'The Long Walk'

'The Long Walk'


The Long Walk’ (2021), 116.8cm x 116.8cm/46 x 46” acrylic on canvas, oil pastel, gloss medium.

This painting is a love letter to one of the great heroes in my life: Nelson Mandela. Since I was a child, I have been very moved by acts of bravery in the face of injustice. The grace with which Mandela channeled his righteous anger into one of the world’s most powerful voices for peace brings me to tears every time I reflect on it. I remember when he was released from his 20-year imprisonment, I was living in Sydney and I ran into the streets, joining the throngs of celebrators dancing and singing with elation for the magnitude of meaning in Mandela walking free.

Mandela said there is no passion to be found in playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. I hope we all can learn from his example to push ourselves to our fullest potential. And I hope Mandela’s grace will be emulated by emerging leaders around the globe in their struggle for greater humanity in an unjust world.

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