Contemporary Australian artist Jacqui Armstrong has experienced a keen interest in the visual arts since she was young, and spent much of her youth consuming art books, visiting galleries and admiring the works of Dutch Post-Impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh and Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali. Originally from the United Kingdom, Jacqui grew up on the north west coast of Tasmania and moved to Sydney in 1982. She now resides in Perth, since moving there in 2010.
For several decades, Jacqui's time was heavily consumed with the demands of child raising, relocations and running a successful small business. In 2020, when the global COVID-19 pandemic began, she discovered that the hours in her once previously busy schedule were suddenly empty and unhindered. Consequentially, she started to paint again for the first time in many years, and her practice quickly began to flourish. Unfiltered by any degree of formal education, her creative process derives from her instinctual responses and perceptions and, over time, her works have evolved from experimentation and engaging in workshops with Australian and international artists.
Drawn to the liberal and free-forming expression of abstract, Jacqui utilises it to convey uniquely personal and resonating narratives. Through exploring the style's limitless parameters, she's been inspired by the works of US artist Jodie King, German abstract artist Petra Schott and Mexican artist Beatriz Simón.
Since 2020, her works have appeared in numerous exhibitions and art awards in Perth and regional WA, and have been featured in Havenist, Artistcloseup and Art Edit magazines.