


Acrylic on canvas, mixed media oil pastel, varnish
164cm x 126cm

This painting tells the story of a lifelong friendship and was commissioned by my friend Shane. Our friendship began in a moment of pure serendipity – finding something by chance without looking. That is exactly what happened when, while living in Melbourne in the early 90’s, a Canadian backpacker rented the house across the street. Our chance encounter launched many adventures, and our shared interests in food and travel and art formed a bond that has remained strong despite the oceans that are now between us.

We all have that friend, who has seen us at our best and worst and loves us anyway. Who can pick right up where you left off, even if it’s been months between visits. Who occupies a precious place in your heart and memory, and you in theirs. And I wonder for how many of us, that moment when paths crossed, was pure serendipity?

In this piece there is a street with our houses on either side, depicting the fateful beginning of our journey. I have chosen a rainbow palette for Shane, to celebrate diversity.

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