


Acrylic on canvas 40" x 40"

“Poppies” (2020), acrylic on canvas, 101.6cm x 101.6cm.

This painting is the story of what can happen when you cross the border out of your comfort zone. I was tasked with the challenge of using a colour I don’t normally work with, and I chose purple. I didn’t used to like purple, and so I covered my palette with the saturated hues. Forced outside of my usual habits, I began to experiment, and observed my delight at the juxtaposition of poppy-red onto the purple back drop.

Since that day, I’ve gone on to expand my colour palettes in ways that continue to surprise me. I often find pleasure in discovering blends or layers of colours that bring me somewhere new. I am grateful for the reminder that sometimes, the greatest joys await us when we humbly press upon the borders of the familiar and venture into the fresh realms beyond.

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